Appreciate Everything

My mantra for the day.  After a few nights at the family’s house, I am missing the quiet emptiness of my own.  Can vast space be cozy?  It is, and I’ll return to it tonight.  To think that, when I first moved in there, it was hard to sleep because it felt so strange.

I have not been able to get to bed at my usual time because of various activities and noise in the house.  One night, Pearl and her boyfriend laughing and giggling and movie-watching just under my room; last night, Karl banging in the cellar, putting up wiring conduits until nearly 11:00.  And I’ve slept fitfully, waking often to look at the clock with a flashlight, not wanting that loud alarm to go off an hour and a half before anyone else gets up.

I almost ordered the iPh0ne last night, online.  It was a long process, and Rose and I spent much of it trying to find an additional case with clip that would suit her.  After all that, when I discovered how much personal info they’d need to switch my same phone number over, I decided to go to the AT and T store and do it in person rather than type in everything about my identity and send it into the ether.  All of that seemed like wasted time.  This cold is still gripping me, too, so it was not the most comfortable evening.  Yet — it all reminds me of how much I love my health, my home, having control over my environment and schedule.  And loving that I will return to these things shortly.  One of these days I’ll catch up on sleep, too.

In my scattered sleep I kept dreaming about the iPh0ne.  I guess there are worse things to dream about, but for Pete’s sake.  What’s this new obsession replacing?  🙂

When C@sio watches first came out, I used to dream I had a watch that would play video games and do magical things.  Little did I know…

Okay, to work then.  I have fun things to build.

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