
I’m almost too excited to get tired enough to go to bed.  Spring is in me, I guess; new things are leafing out and looking for the light.

My bathtub is re-plumbed.  The magical parts we couldn’t get locally (odd size pipes, this old tub) arrived in the mail and Karl and Snow came over and fussed and swore and went to Home Depot a second and third time, and finally — it seemed all of a sudden, finally — it was done!!  The tub drains better than it ever has since I moved in.  I took my first soaking bath since before England.

Snow said that after she busted out the old pipes last week, which nearly did her neck and shoulders in, she broke out in shingles all on one side of her neck.  She’d never had shingles before.  She got really sick in February and was out of work for a week, and really hasn’t bounced back since.  I just did a little reading on shingles and they sound decidedly nasty.  We wondered if her immune system is just a little out of whack.  Maybe I should offer her a Reiki treatment.

While at Home Depot tonight (for the first time), Karl and I looked at lawnmowers.  We also stopped at a lawnmower repair place that we pass on the way home from work, but the guy didn’t have any self propelled mowers.  In fact he only had one push mower, and it didn’t work very well.  He wanted to complain for a while about everything wrong with people and his business, so we let him do that before going on our way.

I see a lawnmower in my very near future.

The church where we provided music last Sunday had a guest speaker, a guy who runs a meditation center in North Carolina.  He was so funny and we enjoyed his talk a great deal, discussing it on the long ride home on Monday.  What he said really stuck with me.  I guess it was just time for me to receive those thoughts, but it’s helping me be aware of how much needless worrying I do in the name of “keeping everything under control.”  It’s hard to let go of it; I wonder who I’ll be if I’m not all about my chattery inner dialogue.  But I’m trying satisfaction on for size and seeing if I can hold that in the light while allowing things to change as they always do.  Thinking:  It’s not that I don’t want things to be any different, but I can still hold a feeling of satisfaction now, while moving toward my goal, but without having to wait for something to be different first in order to start being happy.

I’m trying to apply it to my impatience about working on the house, for one thing.


It’s past my bedtime, in fact.  I just emitted a gaping yawn, so I think I am ready after all.  And I’m so clean.

1 Comment

  1. Mel said,

    April 17, 2010 at 10:17 pm

    It all sounds wonderful.

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