By the Numbers

1. I startled a six-point buck coming up the driveway tonight.

2. There are now 16 out of 26 storm windows in the house.  They’re not shaped and put in yet, but they’re on the premises.  There is hope.

3. These beautiful Fall days have rendered brilliant skies, night and day.  Today was a vast, bright ocean of blue; towards evening, through the thinning woods, layers of pink and red.

4. The big garden has been put to rest for Winter.  Everything removed — stakes, tomato clips and string, cable, miles of vines.  All tomato and squash detritus burned, to remove bug remains (the squash was decimated finally).  I got to break in my new chainsaw, and helped cut up a mile of grapevine and bittersweet that was pulled out of the trees with the tractor.  That helped the green stuff burn.  It’s jolly having a cinderblock burn pit.

5. The heat is starting to come on at night.  We had the first killing frost last night, in the mid-20s.  I’ve nudged the thermostat down to 59 at night but I don’t really want it colder than that, on account of the plants.  The pellet stove runs near where I sleep and keeps me comfortable enough.

6. I have relocated two additional mice this week.

7. Karl and Rose finished the abominable task of running the conduit from basement to attic.  It was a bitch.  There are several large holes in the walls, one in the downstairs hall and two upstairs.  They’ll get patched.  The rest will be quick — threading wires through the pipe and wiring up the front bedroom.  Outlets galore, light fixture is ready to put back in, and we’re sure to get the walls and ceiling in before it gets TOO cold…

7a. After all the conduit work, I made dinner for everyone, including Pearl and her boyfriend.  It was the first biggish dinner I’ve had here.  My table is really a four-seater, but I can stuff two per side if the chairs are sized correctly.  So we sat five around and had wonderful chili cooked with our own home-canned tomatoes and late-picked peppers, and corn muffins made in my new, mini-cupcake maker, into the center of which we had placed a dollop of sour cream and some home-dried tomato bits.  It was heavenly, and the room was filled with love and family.

8.  I won a giant armoire at auction for $100.  I’m thrilled.  It’s not ugly, either.  There’s my front closet and clothing storage.  We hope to pick it up tomorrow, as I’m leaving Thursday for four days.  It will have to be disassembled to move it.

9.  Karl rebuilt the chimney for my furnace, which was rotting out.

10. I have pretty much decided that, next year come June, I want to get a kitty.  Or possibly two, if there are buds or sibs at the humane society that need to stay together.  I do believe in the buddy system.

11. Three long touring weekends this month.  Just three.  Anybody can get through that.

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